Project Description
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Letting the Light In: Writing for Renewal and Wonder with Carlyn Bland
Class Description:
With cooler temperatures and change in the air, come and write with us using narrative, memoir, and poetic techniques that focus on change, renewal, and wonder in our dailiy lives. Participants will engage in a variety of guided writings and strategies designed to explore life stories through different lenses and themes. Resources used in this workshop include Joseph Campbell’s The Power of Myth, Mary Oliver’s selected poems, and Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way.
5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
6 Weeks / 2 Hours each Week
OCAF Members: $160 per class per session
Non-Members: $180 per class per session
34 School Street, Watkinsville, GA 30677

Carlyn C. Bland is a lifelong writer and educator in Clarke County, Georgia. She has led numerous workshops in writing for students and adults. When she is not writing, she is hiking and spending time with her family and cats.