42 events found.
Latest Past Events
Sweetgrass Basket Making & Geechee Culture with Jennifaye Singleton
Main Gallery, 1902 Building, OCAF Art Center 34 School Street, WatkinsvilleSweetgrass Basket Making & Geechee Culture with Jennifaye Singleton Price: $60/College Students with valid ID, $100/Members, $120/Non-Members (includes lunch and materials)
Georgia Watercolor Society Presents Demo with Artist Atanur Dogan
Main Gallery, 1902 Building, OCAF Art Center 34 School Street, WatkinsvilleWatercolor Demonstration with Internationally Famed Artist, Atanur Dogan
UGA ECHD 3130 Presents: OCAF GALA
OCAF Art Center 34 School Street, WatkinsvilleNov. 18th, 7:00 pm-8:30 pm